Monthly Archives: August 2020
At Home with Pattern
Oscar Wilde one said, “My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or the other of us has to go.” We are here to make the case that, when done correctly, pattern in a home adds just the right touch of personality, warmth and individuality. On the other hand, when pattern... Read More
Sharing Our Beaches with Our Turtle Friends
What is life like for our sea turtle friends? Sea turtle life can be told best by the numbers. Th ere are seven species, and a few are endangered or threatened while most are vulnerable. Th ese mysterious reptiles can live up to 80 years, which is remarkable given their survival rates from nest to... Read More
Old Florida Tastes Stay Local
At the Hurricane Oyster Bar & Grill Whether you’re a local or a visitor, sometimes you crave a neighborhood hole-in-the-wall atmosphere. Hurricane Oyster Bar & Grill is casual enough that it feels like home but exceeds expectations with quality food and exceptional service. Approaching the restaurant, it has an old-school Florida beach bar vibe, which... Read More
Adapting to New Orders
Signature Catering of 30A As the impact of COVID-19 intensified, Chris Holbrook, owner and chef of Signature Catering 30-A, began to evaluate the strengths of his business that he could promote and the ways in which his business could adapt to turbulent times. “Nothing like this has occurred before in my lifetime, which means many... Read More